The tent-production Cirque with it's "Tale of August" raised vital attention during our tour in Chile 2004 /2005.
Various workshops in which Cirque mediated its working methods
and artistic concerns have deepened the intense encounters between
the artists. The colleagues in Chile proposed to emphasize the mutual
cooperation. Along with nine other participants working in the fields
of theatre, dance and circus performance Ueli Hirzel attended a two-week
workshop in January 2006 destined to explore the relations between
"ser y hacer", "to be and to do".
The result was the discovery of an amazing potential of artistic and
physical skills driven by the desire of perfection. This has been the
motivation to create a genuine scenario, that would not be set either on the ground nor in the air, but in the space in between, in a world following only its own logic and bearing its own verity.
Six artists/actors showing extraordinary physical conditions as strength, technique, agility and disposing of auratic qualities as expressiveness, body-language and eloquence are willing to go on a search of their past:
From the "youth stolen by dictatorship" to "there was war, only that we did not have real weapons" to the breaking of borders, the "freedom that ended in prison".
But above all there is a tremendous desire to do something, not to allow evasions, to try out everything with curiosity and enthusiasm.
In spite of the lack of financial resources respectively of displeasing conditions (late night rehearsals, little sleep and such) never the slightest doubt of our enterprise occurred, their aim is
- to carry out an artistic search in a sparsely explored space,
- to create a play representing human concerns,
- to mediate self-confidence and assurance in the own creativity,
- to constitute a group that governs itself and that has the intention of showing the results of its artistic search in front of a large audience and to produce suppositions for a life fundament through artistic work, that exceeds performances at traffic lights and in shopping streets.